In good collaboration with TPO and ECCC, Kdei Karuna Organisation will host a Public Forum on “COMMUNITY TRUTH-TELLING OF KHMER ROUGE REGIME" on August 28, 2018, from 8 am till 3 pm at Tonle Bassac II Restaurant, Phnom Penh. The main purpose of this forum is to discuss about stories of torture in Khmer Rouge regime and the solutions to deal with the trauma and community reconciliation, with more than 100 participants from relevant Line Ministries, Victims Support Section and Lead Co-Lawyers of the ECCC, Donors /Development Partners, Psychologists, Khmer Rouge survivors /Civil Parties of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, Local Facilitators (Pursat, Siem Reap, Kratie, Takeo and Mondulkiri) and 40 students from universities in Phnom Penh.

For further information, please contact our staff: Mr. Vuthy Vannoeurn (086 243 282) or Ms. Heng Kimmuoy (096 869 5891).